

Alma Brasileira Wins Imagine Brazil 2016

Alma Brasileira wins Imagine Brazil 2016


The band Alma Brasileira won the second edition of Imagine Brazil.

Originally from the city of Campinas, the band is composed by three members: Gabriel Peregrino, Guilherme Sakamuta e Theo Fraga. They presented their own take on popular Choro songs (a traditional Brazilian music genre) at Arthur Azevedo Theatre, the iconic location that hosted the festival on the night of October 29. The second place was awarded to Hurried Trio, from São Carlos. A total of eleven acts competed for the coveted first place at this competition.

Imagine Brazil, a festival organised by Organização Social de Cultura Amigos do Guri, is the final stage of this all-genre music competition for young talents, and was preceded by five regional selection events between September and October, in Araçatuba, São Paulo, São Carlos, Marília e Espírito Santo do Pinhal.

The winners (Alma Brazileira) will participate in the International Imagine Finals of 2017, together with all the national winning bands of 2016.

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