

Imagine Sweden Final 2016

Imagine Sweden Final 2016


Imagine Sweden celebrates its 30th anniversary with a fantastic 4-days event! Don't miss out!

The preliminary stages are over and now we are quickly approaching the big date for Imagine Sweden! Will Sweden be able to produce another Imagine International winner after Algot in 2013 and In Circles in 2015?

What is sure is that the Swedish Finals of the Imagine Festival are going to be an amazing 4-days event (4th to 7th of May) that will heat up the whole city of Uddevalla, from the main stage of Östrabo Theatre to city parks, cafés and the Bohuslän Museum for the closing party. It will not be only about showcasing the young music talents of the country; indeed, an exciting and diverse program of concertsworkshops and seminars (also available in English) will give the possibility to everybody to live the enchanting atmosphere of a magical weekend of music in Uddevalla!

On the 4th of May, Music Direct - Imagine Sweden celebrates its 30th anniversary from its foundation and it does with a concert that will blow off the festival in the best way possible: on the stage there will be the Bohuslän Big Bandand many other guest bands that has charcterised the history of the festival throughout the years.

But the real competition that will feature the young gifted bands that made it all the way to the finals will take place on the nights of the 5th and the 6th of May, with two fantastic finals that will heat up the audience presenting not only the brilliant Swedish competitor acts, but also feature the performances of Imagine guest bands from Croatia and Belgium Lemon 3 and Page Down.

The two final nights will head to a likewise exciting conclusion with a final glittering gala on the 7th of May presented by the Swedish comedian Josefin Johansson, where the professional jury will crown the winner of Imagine Sweden 2016 and we will have the chance to assist to the mind-blowing performances of former Imagine Sweden, such as The Tape and In Circles.

Imagine Sweden celebrates its 30th anniversary, and it couldn't do it a better way! Come to Uddevalla and enjoy every minute of it or follow the event on livestream!

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