

They Were Awesome

They WERE Awesome!


This saturday an extraordinary group of young musicians from all over Europe and Africa filled Kilden concert hall in Kristiansand with an eclectic blend of music and good vibes!

Almost 100 young musicians from all over Norway, Europe and Africa have arrived in Kristiansand, and are ready to rock the city!

For the first time in Imagine history African bands participated in the competition, and boy are we glad they did! Zimbabwean group WERE took home the grand prize in Imagine 2013.

“We never saw this coming but we still be­lieved in ourselves. It’s even better because there were only two African bands competing against seven from Europe,” the band members told Daily Times Malawi shortly after the final.

The band wins a tour through several of the European Jeunesses Musicales countries, as well as 10 000 euros worth of recording time.

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